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About Yassir Omer
Yassir Omer has 2 current jobs including Director Of Operations And Head Of Facility Management at Sawaeed Employment L.L.C in united arab emirates, Operation Director And Head Of Facilities Management at Sawaeed Employment L.L.C. Sawaeed Employment L.L.C is a Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting company in Building # 17, Block # 9
ICAD Residential City
AE,Abu Dhabi,Abu Dhabi,70919 with 45 employees
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Yassir Omer Work
Yassir Omer is the Director Of Operations And Head Of Facility Management @Sawaeed Employment L.L.C, with experience in Operation Director And Head Of Facilities Management @Sawaeed Employment L.L.C
Sawaeed Employment is a limited liability company that prides itself in providing staff outsourcing services to the region . Established in 2006. Sawaeed was the innovation of 17 partners. Armed with skills , the experience and a valuable knowledge of the market they collectively created Sawaeed Employment. Today, the helm of our company is led by a Board of Directors comprised of 5 members including the Chairman and Chief Excecutive Officer.
Sawaeed Employment operates in a diverse range of industries including oil and gas, aviation, marine services, hospitality, construction, facility management services, domestic services, wedding events, security, banking, health care and others. As well, our company houses the region's best manpower specialist under its roof. With a variety of dedicated and motivated teams responsible for hiring, managing, promoting and training workers, to meet the demands of the region's leading companies.