Aqualabo is the first French manufacturer of reagents and equipments for analysis and control of the water.
The Aqualabo is divided into two branches:
Aqualabo Analyse, brands Orchidis and Secomam, that manufactures reagants, kits, photometers, spectr-photometers, on-line analysers.
Aqualabo Process, brands Ponsel and Aqualyse, that manufactures digital sensors, transmitters, water samplers, venturi flumes, water level meters, data loggers.
Thanks to a strong R&D team, Aqualabo creates and designs a large and evolutive range of innovating products, enterly manufactured on French territory.
Aqualabo proposes also to its customers, to design complete installations according to technical requirements, through a high knowledge engineering team.
The Aqualabo network of more than 50 distributors and partners all over the world will help you to find the most adapted solution to your needs for water control and analysis.
Measuring and Control Instrument Manufacturing, manufacturing
HQ Location
90, rue du professeur P. Milliez
Champigny/Marne, 94506, FR
Reagent and kitsLaboratory equipmentsProbes and sensorsSpectrophotometersWater samplersHandheld and stationnary transmittersDataloggersData remoteVenturi FlumesUV