St Kilda Shule has been servicing the Jewish community since 1871. When first established it was one of only three Congregations in Melbourne. It runs daily morning services, Shabbat, and Chagim services according to Orthodox Ashkenazy tradition.
The Shule is a place where the unique multi-generational Congregation celebrate the life cycles events with births, britot, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Aufruffs, Weddings, youth programs, and singles events. The Shule is also a place where Congregants' challenges, health issues, funerals and minyamin are treated with sensitivity and compassion.
Educating the Congregation and wider community is paramount with Bar and Batmitzvah programs, Shiurim, and Community Tours.
The Shule is known for it's wonderful musicians with renowned Chazzan Brett Kaye and talented Choir.
The residing Rabbis are Senior Rabbi Yaakov Glasman AM and Rabbi Hillel Nagel. The President is Janice Iloni-Furstenberg.
The Shule building is located within the Community Eruv, is Heritage listed and a beautiful example of art deco design and features.