Ebo van den Bor is thé Wholesaler for Oriental and Mediterranean entrepreneurs in the food business in Europe
The selection of Ebo van den Bor contains thousands of products. Aside the well known, established brands, we offer authentic, local brands and products from Asia and South Europe. Ebo van den Bor also provides you the private labels 'Golden Globe' and 'Di Cesare', products of good quality for a competitive price.
Our purchasers buy as much as possible directly from the source. We import directly from China, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Japan, England, Spain, Greece and other countries. We are continuously optimizing our selection to meet the demands and expectations of our customers. If you are looking for a product which is not in our assortment, please let your area manager know or fill out the contact form.
Ebo van den Bor aspires to the best price/quality ratio. We are not only looking at price, but also constantly keeping a close eye on the quality of our products. Our fresh and frozen assortment are checked on a daily basis by our in-house quality controller, therefore assuring confidence in our products and service.
Fresh, authentic and full of taste.