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Work Experience
President - Ceo
Jan 2002 - Present · 22 years and 11 months
Company Details
ISIS is a French company that provides solutions to manage and operate a wide range of operating room equipment and devices centrally, to record surgeries or to share it with a colleague or students. ISIS has developed 2 solutions. The first one, the SurgiMedia «Autonomous», which is an all-in-one device that fits any intervention room and can be immediately used (it’s plug and play : "I plug in, I turn it on, I display my video"). And the second one, the SurgiMedia "Integrated OR", which is a modular global solution where we will build the audio, video, dicom environment of the operating theatre. We work with both private and public hospitals, whatever their specialities, all around the world. As an example, we work with the Necker Hospital in Paris and the CHUV in Lausanne. In all, we have equipped more than 500 rooms around the world. And some of them for more than 15 years ! We design and produce our solutions in Grenoble. Which mean we master them perfectly and so we can adapt them to the specific demands of our customers. For the record, ISIS was founded in 2001 by a team of 5 engineers with a background in cutting-edge technologies such as surgical robotic and navigation. You can get our solutions by contacting our sales team or our local partners in your country. In any case, we will advise you in the choice of the most suitable solution for your environment and we will support you from the installation to the daily use throughout the lifetime of SurgiMedia.
Year Founded
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Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
HQ Location
ZAC ISIPARC, 130 Chemin des Prêles 130 Chemin des Prêles 38330 S Saint Ismier, France 38330, FR
Video management systemOperating TheatresOperation RoomsGestion vidéo salle opératoireDICOMRoutage vidéoVideo routingSurgery recordingEnregistrement chirurgieVideo management
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