About the GUIDO Company
The “Guido concept’ has been developing since 1991 thanks to media channels, on-line & off-line technologies and databases so much that GUIDO can offer to its clients a measurable, professional and creative ‘media mix’.
In addition to the sale of these selective media, GUIDO “guides” the brands, the advertising agencies,
the non-profit organisations (such as universities, cultural organisations…) which strive after the target group of pupils, students and young starters.
Today, GUIDO employs 30 high-qualified full-time staff members and is by far the leader in its sector in Belgium. http://www.regieguido.be/pdf/2013_GUIDONV_ENG.pdf
GUIDO NV – Contact
Wim Verheye & Wouter Van Cauwenberge, Managing Partners
Bruiloftstraat 127 B-9050 Gent
T: 09 210 74 84 (81)
>> Portal: www.guido.be
>> Regie: www.regieguido.be
GUIDO NV – related websites
www.isic.be (BE official partner of www.isic.org)
www.Cartejeunes.be (BE FR partner of www.EYCA.org)
www.ctrl-alt-start.be (a concept of GUIDO)
Partner of iYSma network