Organisation of the Government Buildings Agency
The Government Buildings Agency is part of the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). Our task is to manage and develop the State’s largest property portfolio. All in all, this involves 7 million m² of floor space, 70% of which is owned by the Agency. Of the 2,000 properties that make up our stock, some 350 – representing 1 million m² - have monument status.
We serve our clients by advising on rent, construction and design-related matters. In addition, we fulfil the role of project manager and manager, which includes handling maintenance. The Front Office directorate is the primary contact for all our services.
The Government Buildings Agency stimulates innovative management
The key focus of our work is the guidance and tendering of management and the daily maintenance of the buildings in our stock. In carrying out these activities, we aim to stimulate the private sector to arrive at high-quality, innovative solutions, so that we can constantly improve the service provided to our clients. This is achieved, among other means, by seeking public-private partnerships and by investigating the options they offer.
Fixed contact for each client
Our organisation provides each client with its own regular contact within the Front Office directorate. This fixed contact explores the client’s questions, demands and desires. This procedure guarantees quick, adequate and innovative solutions. Where necessary, collaboration is sought with experts to determine the most suitable approach.