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About Woo Kim
Woo Kim has 2 current jobs including Accounting Manager at Inox Tech S.p.A. in south korea, Sales Manager at SeAH Steel. Inox Tech S.p.A. is a Oil and Gas company in Via A. Moro 10C
Lendinara (RO), 45026, IT with 55 employees
Inox Tech is the Italian leading manufacturer of welded pipes, acting in the global Oil & Gas market of Downstream and Upstream applications, specialized in cryogenic services and offshore/subsea environments since 20+ years.
The manufacturing process is focused on the most up to date technologies to accomplish to the highest level of quality requested by its clients such as Chevron, Statoil, Exxon Mobil, Saudi Aramco and the main O&G Companies and EPC contractors in the global market.
Grades normally produced with proven experience and knowledge are Duplex, Super Duplex, Stainless Steel, Nickel Alloys, Clad.
Competitiveness on sizes stands on medium-large diameters and heavy wall thicknesses. All pipes can be produced from quarto plate in Double Random Length.
With a production capacity of 25 to 30,000 tons per year and a wide range of production, Inox Tech is oriented to complete Projects, but can also offer small quantities of pipes with the shortest deliveries.
Being one of the main players in the industry, the Company acts in a complex and highly qualified network of clients and suppliers, professionally developing its supply chain and giving the highest importance to partnerships with stakeholders, customers and employees.
Inox Tech aims to be the number one welded pipe manufacturer in the globe, attracting, developing and retaining talent as well as applying the best practices in order to gain all opportunities for the most successful growth for itself and its clients.
Inox Tech belongs to SêAH Steel since 2014, an industrial group with manufacturing plants spread in 4 continents and a network of sales offices covering the entire world of welded pipes for the energy and hydrocarbons sector. SêAH Steel global production capacity is 2.3 million metric tons of welded carbon steel pipes, 700,000 metric tons of welded stainless steel pipes, and 500,000 metric tons of steel sheets.