HealthDrive is a diverse network of skilled doctors and providers, industry expert executives, and dedicated support staff committed to providing high-quality service to long-term care facility residents. HealthDrive has delivered on-site dentistry, optometry, podiatry, audiology, behavioral health, and primary care services for over 30 years. Headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, HealthDrive serves residents in long-term care facilities across the United States, including in CT, IN, IA, MD, MA, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NC, OH, PA, RI, TX, VA, and WI.
Hospitals and Health Care, Offices of Physicians, Health Care and Social Assistance
HQ Location
100 Crossing Blvd
Framingham, Massachusetts 01702, US
PodiatryOptometryDentistryAudiologyBehavioral HealthPrimary Caredental servicestrial lensesdiagnostic assessmentpolicy california