ABIS CIRCUITS CO., LTD is a professional PCB manufacturing which focuses on double-side, Multilayer, and HDI PCB mass production. The company was established in Oct 2006. We have two factories together. The factory in Shenzhen specializes in small to middle-volume orders and the factory in Jiangxi Province is for big-volume and HDI.
Nowadays, we have more than 1100 employees in the two factories to cope with increasing demand.
-Operation plant space: (I) 10000 Square meters (II) 60000 Square Meters
-Employees: (I) 300 Man Powers (II) 900 Man Powers
-Eng. Technical: (I) 20 QA QC Engineers (II) 60 QA, QC Engineers
4116, A block, HangCheng Intelligence industry park, Hangcheng Street, Xixiang Town, BaoAn District
Shenzhen, GuangDong 518000, CN
PcbPcbaSmall Volume; Prototype; Quick turn PCB ProductionOne-Stop-Shopping PCB solution for your total PCB DemandHigh Volume quantity order from low layer to high layer24 Hours PCB QUICK-TURNNo MOQand 3 days fast deliverySmall Volume; Prototype; Quick turn PCB ProductioOne-Stop-Shopping PCB solution for your total PCB Dem