Capitalizing on the staff of RJR Safety Inc. having more than thirty years of experience in the field of occupational safety and health in various industries and environments, we have been partnering with business since 2008 to assist companies in "Working Safe" by developing a safe work environment, implementing safe work procedures, and providing safety training; "Reducing Injuries" through management support of worker safety, involving employees in these efforts, and working to instill the attitude that working safe is the only way to work; "Protecting Profits" by reducing the number of worker injuries which increases worker productivity and overall quality.
The Mission of RJR Safety Inc is to partner with companies in the prevention of on-the-job injuries and illnesses, other workplace incidents, and off-the-job injuries. The ultimate Goals are to prevent workers from being injured or becoming ill, preventing fatalities, improving the lives of workers and their families and assist companies preserve their resources while increasing their profits. The Mission and Goals are able to be accomplished in an organizational culture that values and encourages involvement, by all employees, in a comprehensive safety and health management system.
RJR Safety Inc. partners with and provides services to the:
Oil & Gas Industry - E&P in the Appalachian Basin
General Industry - manufacturing, warehouse, retail, fabrication
Construction Industry
RJR Safety Inc is verified as a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) by the Department of Veterans' Affairs.