Satcomm (Pvt.) Ltd. is established a state of the art Metro Area Network in the mega cities of Karachi & Lahore, which serves as the trade and commerce hubs & population wise the largest cities of Pakistan.
Satcomm has currently deployed a total of 55 Km of 36-core Metro CORE Optical Fiber Backbone network in Karachi and roughly 25Km of 36-core Optical Fiber Backbone network in Lahore, which is operational on Telco-grade Optical Transport Equipment, passing through all the major residential & commercial areas of the city, constituting about 60% of the residents of Karachi and Lahore.
Satcomm has a visible edge over its competitors which is its Optical Core Network, Satcomm envisions it as a major service domain, not only Satcomm will be using the Core for its own Metro Area Transport, but also planning to lease these core to other vendors aswell.
Satcomm has developed a Switched Broadband Data Access Metro Area network, having multiple Data Concentration Distribution Areas (HUBS) connected to each other though a Optical Fiber Resilient Packet Ring deployed all around the two cities, which consists of 36-core G.652 Armored Optical Fiber Cable that is capable of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) operations, which enables this network to achieve capacities as high as 2.3 Terabits per second.
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
D-38, SITE, Karachi
Karachi, Sindh 74800, PK
internet service ProviderFiber Optic Internet ServiceFTTXDedicated Internetand Shared Internet