Say2B is easy and effective customer loyalty and relationship management software and mobile app.
This is the best way to be really client oriented.
Say2B has built-in loyalty and reward system. Any B2C business can use it for free to increase its customer's loyalty and happiness:
1. Give coins, gifts or discounts to reward the best ideas or apologize for negative experiences, to congratulate on holidays, birthdays or other events.
2. Customers don't have to be registered in Say2B to become part of company loyalty program and receive gifts from it.
Easy and honest communications between clients and business:
Your client can create a task for your business, for example, "I want to buy your great coffee on my way to work, but the cafe opens too late. Please, shift your open hours to 7 am". Other clients can vote for the task. So you see important demand and can offer a solution, thank him or her for this idea and give a gift. Anyone can rate this solution, so you can understand how good your decision was.
For Business
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IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
North West Street, 1000
Wilmington, Delaware, US
Customer Loyalty SystemFeedbackMessagingLoyalty & Reward SystemLocal BusinessTravelRestaurantsShoppingcustomer servicecustomer experience management