The company was established in 1968 when the independent unit Fersped was formed within the Railway Organization of Macedonia with the purpose to back up the local and international transport by railway.
After a number of changes to the legal provisions, structural frames, system solutions, integrating and transitional processes in the country, Fersped acquired its final shape of a fully private company in 1995.
Major companies in the country as well as the Balkan region and both Western and Eastern Europe have been using the company's services in the area of transportation, customs clearance and warehousing. Our company had witnessed over the years the establishment of some of the major industrial facilities and complexes in Macedonia (such as e.g. FENI, TEC Negotino etc.).
In addition to freight forwarding being the core business of the company, we have expanded the business in new areas e.g. international trade, brokering, banking, hotel management, wine production and chance games, being either sole owner or owner of majority of shares in some of the companies.
Integration of the care for the community, society and the environment into the business policy of our company undoubtedly generates better financial results through a continuing care for the employees, their rights and obligations, working conditions, civil community and the companies to which certain service is delivered and eventually to the state institutions, providing both present and sustainable growth.