Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust is all about enabling young people and their communities access to explore future technology today. Robots, nano, biotech, rockets, programming, mind control! OK perhaps not the mind control (yet...)
We know the really really big ideas that will shape our future are in the heads of our young people and the technology that will enable them to make these dreams a reality is still inaccessible to most. At PFCT we specifically focused on enabling those communities who are missing out or under represented in tech to get access to that future technology today. It is vitally important that there are no barriers for anyone in accessing any future technology and that we break down any inequality gaps as the future needs all of us!
Through a series of initiatives we are tackling just that:
OMGTech! gives any primary & intermediate school in NZ the opportunity to take part in its award winning workshops to be inspired and learn how to use future technology.
The Institute of Awesome is an enviro-tech education centre set on 100 acres of native bush, in Whale Bay, Raglan. Connecting technology solutions with real world secret projects
The IGD Project aims to develop digitally confidant rangatahi Māori through game design focusing on an indigenous lense.
The Mana Tangata programme selects students from communities around Aotearoa NZ that are not well represented in tech and pairs them with an awesome tech industry mentor to deliver a 6 month community tech project while building leadership.
e-Pou empowers Maori communities to be in charge of their own destinies with technology, and to give them equitable access to knowledge and resources while they build this vision. is an online app that democratises access to skilled volunteers. It connects schools with corporate volunteers and awesome short course content. Plus it makes sure the volunteers are heading to the places that are most underserved first.