Dishum Broadcasting Pvt Ltd has launched Bhojpuri Dhamaka DISHUM, a Free To Air (FTA) Bhojpuri General Entertainment Channel. It is promoted by a Management Team with extensive expertise in Broadcast Management & Content Creation of Media and Entertainment Industry. Dishum is currently available on key DTH platforms such as Tata Sky, Airtel & Sun Direct and key Multi-System Operators (MSO’s) such as Den Network, Siti Digital Network, GTPL, Darsh Digital along with other independent cable operators in Bhojpuri speaking belts. We are also available on Digital platforms such as JioTV, MX Player & WinGo.
The channel's vibrant colorful indents are the expression of what the channel stands for and seamlessly ties back to its tagline "Jeeye Ke Bhojpuriya Andaaz". The programming strategy is based on research of what Bhojpuri viewers across age groups want & aspire to be at different times. There are different programming slots such as mythological shows, non-fiction shows, movies, devotional songs, bhakti songs, music and drama/soaps. It's a one stop promising complete family entertainment.
Dishum channel is available on INSAT4A (83Deg. East)Downlink Frequency:4133 Mhz Polarity: Horizontal Symbol Rate:11.888Audio PID:81Video PID:82.