Central Election Commission (CEC) is established in accordance with article 139 of the Constitution of Kosovo, and is a permanent independent body. Central Election Commission is responsible for organization and implementation of elections in Kosovo. The role of the CEC is to regulate the electoral process through the adoption of the Election Rules and monitoring of election process in all aspects to ensure that elections reach the international standards.
CEC consist of eleven (11) members: Chairperson and ten (10) other members. Chairman appointed by President of Republic of Kosovo and elect between judges of the Supreme Court. The mandate of the CEC Chairman is seven (7) years, starting from the date of the announcement given for the appointment by President of Kosovo. Functionality of exercising the task of member of CEC is assigned by low and rules for exercise of the mandate. Ten (10) other members of the CEC, have been appointed as a result of the nominations of six (6) the largest parliamentary groups of the Kosovo Assembly, and four (4) members representing smaller communities in Kosovo.