HCAS is a coeducational school that hosts a maximum of 360 students from grades K through 12. HCAS educates the whole child by applying the two core concepts of the Dalton Plan - freedom and cooperation. We also use a house system to foster collaboration and team spirit. Houses are based on the four Gods of Chinese mythology - White Tigers, Black Turtle, Red Phoenix, and Green Dragon. Further, our students and staff embody our schoolwide learning outcomes that we refer to as the 7 Cs - Contribution, Communication, Community, Compassion, Critical thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity. These also guide us during our decision-making process. With our use of the Dalton Plan, house system, and 7 Cs, our goal is to create 21st century learners who can dig deeply into ideas, debate from multiple perspectives, and use evidence and data to support their arguments. HCAS graduates study at the finest higher educational institutions in the world and are prepared for the technology and fast-paced world around them, being able to build relationships and contribute to the community. Hear our Lion Pride roar!