EXCALIBUR INTERNATIONAL (EXINT) is a trade and export agency of CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP (CSG) representing its traditional line of business.
CSG is a holding company with firm roots in the Czech and Slovak industrial tradition. The group provides a solid foundation for the current and future development of established brands which have a strong reputation in the manufacturing sector, specializing in both the defence industry and civilian production. In 2019, the members of the group achieved total sales of around 1 billion EUR and employed over 8200 people.
EXINT focuses on comprehensive customer solutions, offering a wide product portfolio of CSG and its proven partners. Whether providing military hardware, aerospace technologies, project financing, logistics or on-site support, the core value of our business is to fulfill the customer’s requirements. The key factor is to deliver proven solutions, time-tested equipment and support throughout the lifecycle of delivered technology. Our approach towards success is through constant pursuit for business opportunities around the world.