In early 2000, when Pune was seeing its early signs of industrial expansion and the IT and ITES companies were setting its footprints, Anil Kande Patil dreamt of setting up a small transportation business and provide safe and comfortable daily travel to the young professionals working across the length and breadth of Pune city.
In 2004, we started cab service for Wipro and set up the transportation business with customer-service, trust and integrity as his personal and business credo.
In the next 10 years, Nikhil Kande Patil built the brand Tirupati across Pune and PCMC providing transportation services, HR Management Services and Facility Management System and broadened the scope of services to our customers.
Currently we are working with MNCs and corporate companies like Wipro, John Deer, Amdocs, Infosys, Crest, Reliance and many more.
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