In the bustling city of Hyderabad, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there exists a beacon of hope and innovation: VINS Bioproducts Ltd – a pioneering plasma-based biopharmaceuticals. Established in 1997, this renowned company has emerged as a global leader in the development of life-saving bioproducts, dedicated to combating some of the most pressing medical challenges facing communities worldwide.
Nestled within the serene landscapes of Telangana, VINS Bioproducts boasts state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities spread across a sprawling 150-acre farm. Here, over 2,000 equines roam freely, serving as the cornerstone of the company's operations. With an advanced animal laboratory at their disposal, VINS Bioproducts empowers itself to create essential, life-saving products that make a tangible difference in the lives of millions.
At the heart of VINS Bioproducts lies a team of seasoned professionals, each driven by a shared commitment to excellence. Operating fully automated facilities that adhere to international norms and rigorous quality controls, these individuals manufacture approximately 75 lakh life-saving products every year. It's not just about numbers; it's about the lives that these products touch and the impact they have on communities across the globe.