Vida Kamanya
Director Compliance Monitoring at Zambia Public Procurement Authority
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Work Experience
Director Compliance Monitoring
Apr 2017 - Present · 7 years and 8 months
Company Details
Corporate Profile The Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) is a regulatory body established under the Public Procurement Act No. 8 of 2020. Pursuant to this Act, the Authority is charged with the responsibility of regulating public procurement. Other responsibilities are standard setting, compliance and performance monitoring, professional development and information management and dissemination in the field of public procurement. ZPPA has the following functions: 1. Regulate the procurement of goods, works and services by procuring entities and ensuring transparency, economy, efficiency, competition and accountability in public procurement. 2. Monitor compliance with the PPA and the procurement performance of the procuring entities and making recommendations to the Minister on the performance and functioning of the public procurement system. 3. Ensure standard bidding documents and other standard procurement documents for use by procuring entities. 4. Advising the government and procuring entities on procurement policy and other matters relating to public procurement. 5. Consider applications for deviations to public procurement processes, methods and rules for the accreditation of alternative procurement systems. 6. Commission and undertake investigations in public procurement matters and institute procurement audits. 7. Promote economy, efficiency and maximum competition to ensure value for money in the use of public funds. 8. Promote private sector participation, through fair and non-discriminatory treatment of bidders. 9. Recommend and ensure the application of preference and reservation schemes to promote the economic development of citizen bidders and suppliers in collaboration with the appropriate government institutions. 10. Maintain a register of bidders and suppliers who are suspended or debarred from participating in public procurement. 11. Coordinate and promote capacity building and professional development in the public
Year Founded
Social Media
Government Administration
HQ Location
Chisekela Road, Off Alick Nhkata Road Behind United Nations 10101 Lusaka, Lusaka 10101, ZM
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