Director, Finance And Administration at Art Works Now
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About Ver Nitta Tyson
Ver Nitta Tyson has 3 current jobs including Director, Finance And Administration at Art Works Now in 4800 Rhode Island Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 20781, US, Director Of Outreach & Development at Cedar Lane Senior Living Community, Consultant at VerNitta M. Tyson Consulting. Art Works Now is a Non-profit Organizations company in 4800 Rhode Island Ave
Hyattsville, Maryland 20781, US with 15 employees
Ver Nitta Tyson Social
Ver Nitta Tyson Work
Ver Nitta Tyson is the Director, Finance And Administration @Art Works Now, with experience in Director Of Outreach & Development @Cedar Lane Senior Living Community
Mindful of the relationship between creative education and the creative development of our community, Art Works Now remains committed to teaching art technique, encouraging each student to “see” in their own way, and providing multiple opportunities to explore, express and demonstrate their vision. We offer a “blank canvas” for every student to develop their individual creativity. We provide the tools, techniques, and a great studio space, along with virtual instruction that encourages creative exploration, and peers for encouragement and collaboration.