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About Václav Víška
Václav Víška has 2 current jobs including at Plus4U a. s. in Slaný, Central Bohemia, Czechia, at Advanced Trauma Life Support. Previously worked at Unicorn as undefined. Plus4U a. s. is a Software Development company in Jankovcova 1037/49
Praha 7-Holešovice, Praha 170 00, CZ with 20 employees
Václav Víška Social
Václav Víška Work
Václav Víška is @Plus4U a. s., with experience @Advanced Trauma Life Support
Plus4U is an Internet service providing smart solutions for comunication, information sharing and cooperation to individuals, companies, the self-employed and organizations.
Plus4U provides space on the Internet where you can share information with your community easily and offer your business to others.
In Plus4U you can organize the company, your private interests or other activities in your life.
The priority of Plus4U is maximal availability, absolute security and protection of the entrusted data. The Plus4U Internet service is built on the Unicorn Universe information systems digital construction kit.