LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) is the main network for research libraries in Europe.
Founded in 1971, the association (a Foundation or Stichting under Dutch law from 2009) has grown steadily to include ±440 research libraries in 40 countries.
Together we work to represent the interests of European research libraries, their universities and their researchers in several key areas.
We lobby policymakers on issues such as Copyright and Open Access. We collaborate with our member libraries on European-funded projects and through events such as our Annual Conference we create opportunities for library professionals to meet and learn from each other.
As an association, we stand for:
1. High-quality services for all users of library and information services.
2. Intellectual freedom and access to scholarship.
3. Collaboration with campus, local, national, European and global partners.
4. Stewardship of collections and institutional resources, in the most appropriate format.
5. Leadership, innovation and a willingness to embrace opportunities for change.
6. Inclusivity, equality of opportunity and fulfilment of potential.