Global Markets is a multi-strategy trading business of Edelweiss Group engaged in generating superior risk adjusted returns. It caters to a diversified bouquet of strategies encompassing five geographies and four asset classes. The focus is on analytical based trading, powered by proprietary data, capturing alphas in a multitude of global exchanges spread across the continuous spectrum of risk and time duration. Our state-of-art technology platform serves as a bedrock to mine large datasets for analytics and low latency execution platforms.
At Edelweiss Global Markets, we believe no one should just do a job. Everyone should find their calling, their passion and work towards it. When that happens, it is truly magical. We strive to achieve that for our people.
A culture driven organisation, that has stood the test of time, we are proud of the growth people have achieved at early stages in their careers in our business. We look for people who bring a sense of ownership and passion, and when this is combined with the stimulating environment in our teams, it results in success stories of people who have built careers to be proud of!