Set in the gently rolling countryside of northwest Fairfield County, Violet Township is one of the most desirable and fastest growing suburban areas in Ohio. Violet Township is in the northwestern part of Fairfield county; is bounded on the north by Licking county, on the east by Liberty township, on the south by Bloom township, and on the west by Franklin county.
Our Pilgrim forefathers brought the Township form of government to the Americas in 1620. This form of government spread as far west as the Rocky Mountains and today, 22 states have the town or township form of local government. Townships in Ohio were established by the Virginia Military Lands and laid out in five (5) or six (6) square mile tracts.
Violet Township was set off and incorporated in 1808, and from the variety and abundance of its wild flowers growing wild in the area, painting the landscape a soft purple color lending to the logical name of Violet. Its surface is slightly undulating, slopes southward, and is drained by Black Lick, Sycamore and Walnut Creeks.
To this day, Violet Township prides itself on maintaining its rural character while providing quality development, making it a truly desirable place to live, play, work, and raise a family.