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About Vanessa Muehlbauer
Vanessa Muehlbauer is Vice President at GINGIO in 499 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210, US. Previously worked at Blue Note Entertainment Group as Live Sound Engineer. GINGIO is a Musicians company in 499 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210, US with 6 employees
GINGIO is a boutique firm. The company delivers superior consulting and coordination services to music and entertainment industry professionals looking for musical or career direction as well as production, promotion, marketing or expansion in general.
GINGIO also features the largest database of international music industry contacts available on the market today and hosts music / entertainment / fashion industry red carpet events in exclusive venues around the globe.
499 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210, US
Consulting for music and entertainment industryCoordination in music and entertainment industryMusic and career guidanceProduction in music industryPromotion in music industryMarketing in music industryExpansion strategies in music industryEvent management
Consulting servicesCoordination servicesMusic and career directionProduction servicesPromotion servicesMarketing servicesExpansion servicesDatabase of international music industry contactsRed carpet events