Strategy is what you THINK. Brand is what you SAY. Culture is what you DO.
(for people & profit)
Delivering Happiness is the world’s first culture coach|sulting®️ company that's helped hundreds of organizations use the science of happiness to co-create adaptable organizations that grow people, profits, and purpose to not just survive, but thrive.
DH has evolved from a New York Times® Best Seller to the world’s first culture coach|sulting® [coaching + consulting] company. Since 2010, we’ve shared our expertise as pioneers of culture change using scientific happiness to create profitable, adaptable cultures in 350+ organizations around the world — including companies, such as Starbucks and Sallie Mae.
Cultura basada en ValoresFelicidad en el trabajoAumento del "engagement"Retención del talentoDiagnóstico de felicidadEstilos de LiderazgoCiencia de la felicidadand Cambio de Paradigma OrganizacionalDiagnóstico de feliciCiencia de la felici