Tempo Makina has been one of the leading companies in the Turkish market in the industrial printing sector since 1983. We offer solutions to print production date, packaging date, product identification information, variable information for product tracking, expiration date, serial number, batch number, shift code, barcode, 2D QR Code on the products of all manufacturing industries. Thus, we meet all the coding and marking needs of manufacturing factories from product to pallet.
We provide services in 4 different areas from both a technological and organized point of view: coding and marking, camera and control, digital printing and industrial computer. Our solutions partnership includes, but is not limited to: consulting, project design, site survey, offer, assembly, validation, activation, training, maintenance, technical service and consumables supply.
We work in unison with our international partners Domino Printing Sciences, Birch, Labels & Ribbons, Intrex and CAB.