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Acceletrade was founded in 2011 to build high-performance technology for trading in Indian financial markets. The founders combined this innovative technology with insightful quantitative research to begin algorithmic trading in India.
Acceletrade has grown over the past 5 years into a brilliant and diverse team of more than 50 people. Today, the firm trades significant volumes in the Indian cash and derivatives markets. A cornerstone of the firm’s success has been its dedication to robust, thorough processes and sophisticated risk management systems to manage all aspects of the business.
The firm is currently expanding to the US and Europe. As it pursues new markets and opportunities, the firm is looking to hire smart and talented people to join its dynamic and dedicated team of professionals. Acceletrade fosters a culture of collaboration and meritocracy, which emphasizes teamwork and performance rather than tenure or title.
Mission: We combine cutting-edge technology with analytical rigour and insightful research to invest in global financial markets. Our team, led by the best engineers, scientists and trading professionals from a variety of backgrounds specializes in systematic investment strategies across geographies and asset classes. As we pursue new markets and opportunities, we also foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and excellence.