We recognize quality care and patient satisfaction to be our highest priority.
Some of the pain problems that can be successfully diagnosed and treated at our practice include:
Myofacial pain
Back and neck pain
Facet Disease
Herniated vertebral discs.
Chronic Regional Pain Syndromes (CRPS)
Neuropathic pain syndromes
Acute Herpes Zoster
Sacroiliac Joint Disease
Beneficial Procedures
It is our philosophy that the patient should take an active role in his or her own treatment. We encourage patient involvement in the medical decision-making process and invite questions and opinions regarding your treatment options.
We are trained and experienced in performing the most beneficial pain management techniques, including:
Trigger point injections
Lumbar Thoracic and Cervical Epidural injections
Facet injections
Sacroiliac joint injections
Sympathetic blocks
Stellate Ganglion blocks
Selective nerve route injections
Peripheral nerve blocks
Neuromodulation techniques such as spinal cord stimulators
Our Treatment Goals for You
Successful treatment of chronic pain involves identifying and pursuing some definite goals. Several of these objectives include the following:
Maximize and maintain physical activity
Return to productive activity at home and work
Increase ability to manage pain and related problems
Reduce subjective pain intensity