KeepOlim (RA 580613610) is a registered post-aliyah 46a tax-deductible non-profit in Israel authorized by the Israeli Corporations Authority and the Ministry of Justice.
KeepOlim provides vital programs, services, advocacy & support to All Olim.
At KeepOlim we change and save lives every day!
Our programs such as Tikva by Olim Mental Health Program with over 250 Lone Soldiers receiving FREE mental health counseling in their own native language.
In addition, over 400 Olim are receiving free & subsidized low-cost counseling!
KeepOlim Feeds Olim Program has fed over 560 struggling families and Lone Soldiers in the last 30 months with over $75,000 in food (over 1/3 of our budget).
We have One Simple Goal
to Keep Olim in Israel!
We have created a post-Aliyah support system that helps bring positive change to the lives of Olim in Israel and assists them through our various programs. KeepOlim’s purpose is to empower Olim by giving them access to career, networking, and mental health services in their native language.
With this support, many Olim will be able to overcome their struggles and stay in Israel.
Many Olim are crying out for help!
KeepOlim is here to answer their cries!
KeepOlim is here for you!
To discover or to donate to KeepOlim visit us-