CL Consultants Limited has provided geological consulting on over 7800 wells. We provide experienced personnel, state of the art equipment, and a 24 hour phone service to meet all of your wellsite needs.
Wellsite experience includes but not limited to the following list:
• Extensive Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Experience
• Bakken, Cardium, Montney, Duvernay, and Heavy Oil Experience
• Offshore and International Experience
• CL Consultants maintains a library of over 7,000 offsets available upon request
CL Consultants Limited, a division of Continental Laboratories, was incorporated in 1979. Continental Laboratories specializes in accurate and reliable Gas detection/Gas Chromatography equipment that is available for rental.
Safety is a primary focus within our company and we comply with all HSE requirements and industry safety standards. We are a member of ISNetworld (Worldwide HSE). We are also active members of APEGA, CSPG, and the CWLS.
Please contact Denis at the CL Consultants sales team at (403) 250-3982 to discuss your specific requirements.