There are a number of reasons why Prime Credit is a leader in the credit repair and restoration industry and your best choice for all your credit needs:
• A stellar reputation of honesty, integrity and professionalism
• We offer a full range of credit repair services (some companies require that their clients do a great deal of the groundwork and carry out many steps of the process on their own)
• A staff of very well-educated, experienced credit professionals
• One-on-one, personalized and patient customer service
• An education page to help you understand the workings of credit
• Depth of services including:
Bankruptcies Inquires Late payments
Collections Judgments Repossessions
Charge offs Foreclosures Tax liens
Prime Credit strictly adheres to the federal laws and regulations that govern credit repair and restoration organizations.
We are dedicated to helping you acquire and maintain the credit you need to live your life on your terms!