MDM Construction is a Prime General Contractor 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned and operated Small Business in the state of North Dakota
From 2011 to today, MDM Construction LLC has contracted with VA offices in Fargo, ND, Sioux Falls, SD, Fort Meade, SD, Hot Springs, SD and St, Cloud, MN as well as agencies located at the Minot AFB, NDANG, NDNG USDA, GSA, SDANG, and SDNG. MDM currently holds IDIQ Contracts at both the Whiteman AFB in Missouri and Ft. Leavenworth, KS as well as the VISN 23 IDIQ MATOC covering five areas; Minnesota and North Dakota, South Dakota (East-Sioux Falls), South Dakota (West-Rapid City), Nebraska and Iowa. MDM Construction has performed (past and present) in excess of 200 projects with those Government agencies including all phases of construction.