The new definition of Leading Brand:
1) Google Page One leadership for the highest volume search terms in your market category.
2) A continuous stream of news about product and category leadership that is picked up by media across the US and the world.
3) Odds-defying successful capital campaigns.
4) Tradeshow dominance on a smaller investment than competitors.
5) Winning the lion’s share of the 90 percent of businesses and consumers who use Search before they visit you or your competitors.
6) Winning new customers who didn’t know they were looking for you when they opened their browsers.
7) Growing revenue, even during downturns; growing profits by improving operations.
8) Improving performance by driving upbeat energy across your internal organization in a down economy.
9) Streamlining operational workflow with contemporary information technology.
10) Thriving in the downturn by shifting the pain to your competitors.
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