At Lightning Checkout we agree with Satoshi Nakamoto vision that we shouldn’t need trusted third parties to do payments. That’s why we believe in the possibilities of bitcoin and the Lightning Network.
All services we provide you can run yourself. Run your own Bitcoin and Lightning node. Integrate them with your webshop and you become completely independent of a third party llke us. You will need technical skills to run the node and integrate it with you webshop. Next to that you have to maintain it.
All of this you can learn in online bitcoin and Lightning communities. Everybody will be helping you.
But what if you don’t have time to learn those skills? Or don’t want to spend time on it? That’s where we can help. We’ve made an easy to use solution to receive bitcoin payments via the Lightning Network. Within a few minutes you will be up and running.
Once a day you will receive your revenue of the day in your own bitcoin wallet or crypto exchange account.