Helping landowners sell plots direct to self builders, cutting out the developers in between.
We are architects and self build enablers: we specialise in getting permission for self build plots, and then selling them to self builders. LIVEDIN takes care of all the costs and risks associated with delivering the project, including designing the site layout and houses, conducting surveys, preparing the planning application, handling community consultation, and installing infrastructure.
Why Self Build? We think this leads to houses that are better for the families that live there as well as for the planer…. And this also leads to stronger communities. There are also great incentives for landowners, not just these legacies, but also planning advantages and higher values.
There are considerable planning advantages for choosing self-build rather than conventional housing. This occurs because of the Right to Build Act, and it can often make the difference between permission and refusal on more marginal sites.
Every year each Local Authority is obliged by law to take a tally of the number of people who have joined the register in that year and they then have 3 years in which to permit an equivalent number of plots suitable for this type of housing.
Here is our data-visualisation tool (produced in association with NaCSBA) that shows how each Authority is doing: