Welcome to the LinkedIn page of Makom, where everything is clean and simple, simply clean!
We are a provider of sanitary equipment ranging from ready-made sanitary paper, cleaning utensils, cleaning fluids, dosing systems, cleaning machines and doormats. Our environment is very important to us and that is why we focus on providing eco-friendly cleaning fluids and packaging as well. We offer delivery free of charge, quality service, montage, consulting, forming of HACCP systems custom made for each client as well as education and training from our experts. Our full attention and service is devoted to every client, as well as our instructions and useful advice. We strive to fulfill every request our clients make, no matter how complex.
Makom. Clean and simple, simply clean. Is and has been for more than 25 years.
Pozdravljeni na LinkedIn strani podjetja Makom, kjer je vse čisto preprosto, preprosto čisto.
Smo ponudnik sanitarne opreme, papirne konfekcije, čistil in čistilnih pripomočkov, pomivalnih sredstev, čistilnih strojev, dozirnih sistemov in predpražnikov. Ker nam skrb za okolje veliko pomeni, dajemo poudarek na ekoloških čistilih in embalažah. Nudimo brezplačno dostavo, kvaliteten servis, montažo, svetovanje, oblikovanje HACCP sistemov po meri strank ter izobraževanje in usposabljanje s strani naših strokovnjakov. Vsakemu kupcu posebej se čim bolj posvetimo, ga osebno obravnavamo in delimo uporabne nasvete in napotke glede čiščenja. Trudimo se, da se vsaka, še tako zahtevna želja stranke, v podjetju uresniči.
Makom. Čisto preprosto, preprosto čisto. Že več kot 25 let.
Wholesale, Paper - sanitary and domestic articles, Lumber, construction materials and supplies, sanitary ware (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders
HQ Location
Koroška cesta 64
Velenje, 3320, SI
Cleaning EquipmentCleaning MachinesCleaning Chemicalsand Eco-Friendly Cleaning Fluids