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About Tom Szambelan
Tom Szambelan has 2 current jobs including Chief Executive Officer at Cobot Team in Portland, Oregon, United States, Chief Executive Officer at Employers Overload. Previously worked at Employers Overload as President. Cobot Team is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in 12540 SW 69th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97223, US with 4 employees
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Tom Szambelan Work
Tom Szambelan is the Chief Executive Officer @Cobot Team, with experience in Chief Executive Officer, President @Employers Overload
Our Mission is to provide innovative workforce solutions that reduce repetitive tasks performed by people, so they can take on more challenging and meaningful work. This approach helps lead to greater productivity and higher customer satisfaction for our clients.
Cobot Team offers and represents automation solutions that help expand our clients’ human workforce potential. We provide a unique approach with our collaborative robots, including the identification of best applications, application engineering, operator training, and on-going service and support.
Through our Cobot Team staffing model, we are in a unique position to provide forward-thinking companies the opportunity to learn and integrate cobot solutions through an affordable, easy, low risk and consultative approach.