BPA’s vision is to enable Australian businesses to strategically develop from Startup to Maturity in the shortest possible time.
Established in 1996, BPA has worked in most industries (Manufacturing, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Aged Care, Chemicals and Resources) and enjoys the challenges they provide startups. We have become a complete solution provider for Startups. BPA has established best-in-class partnerships with its valued suppliers to ensure our members receive significant savings on products and within the operation of their business.
Once Funding has been approved, BPA can help Startups across 1 or all of the following areas:
- Diagnostics: assessing the current state of your procurement and supply chain operations, versus your business needs
- Opportunity analysis: advising on your next steps and identifying your level of potential savings
- Cost Reduction Programs: building on your opportunity analysis and putting it into effect to reduce your bottom line.
- Skills assessment and development: after conducting a competency analysis, a learning and development program will be provided for your team.
- Strategic and professional sourcing: introducing a strong category management approach and good buying principles to achieve breakthrough benefits
- Supplier relationship management: building a complete programme from consistency of supplier evaluation based on established business criteria, through to continuous improvement of relationship management.
- Procurement and supply chain transformation: the development of a procurement organisation strategy and managing the change programme to resolve any disconnect where it exists.