Recovery Alliance Initiative
Awareness. Collaboration. Advocacy. Action.
Goal: to introduce and establish meaningful connections in order to promote awareness and unify points along the continuum of the recovery experience.
There are several identified areas of collaborative work, and each state summit will evaluate and adapt to their own needs as well as create state specific projects.
What disciplines and systems will be involved?
* Collegiate recovery communities/programs
* University counseling centers
* Graduate training programs
* Professional monitoring organizations (overseeing wellness and recovery of physicians, dentists, lawyers, * pharmacists, nurses, etc)
* Drug and Vet Courts
* Therapists, counselors, advocacy groups and others who work with these organizations and the populations they serve
* Law Enforcement
* District Attorneys
* Government (all levels) Agencies and Departments
* Recovery Advocacy Groups
* Researchers
* Leaders in the Recovery Community, including friends and family
* Recovery Schools
* Prevention specialists
Those involved in the Summits and Projects will:
* Develop relationships toward collaboration across systems after the summit
* Shape the direction of collaborative work and future Summits
* Increase advocacy in your work and across the field, best supporting those we serve
* Improve awareness of the philosophies, programs and practices in these allied systems, and benefit from educational efforts and resources