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Work Experience
Dec 1994 - Present · 30 years and 1 months
Nov 2012 - Present · 12 years and 2 months
Jun 2009 - Feb 2014 · 4 years and 8 months
Company Details
General information As a professional career counselor, my role is to guide you through the three sequential stages of the Career Development Process: 1) Self-Assessment – Who am I?, 2) Career Exploration – Where am I going?, 3) Action Plan – How do I get there? The goal is to help you better focus, provide direction and guidance and a plan for your future career development. During the first 90 minute appointment we will begin with the Self-Assessment stage. I will be asking you a series of questions to get to know you and your background. All information that you share with me is held in strict confidence and will not be disclosed without your authorization, except as required by law. For example, if you appear to pose an imminent danger to yourself or others, I will take any necessary action. At the end of the session, I will give you a series of assessment inventories. These include the Myers-Briggs, Campbell Interest and Skill Survey, and Strong Interest Inventory, as well as several that I have developed including the Career Development Questionnaire. The goal is to help you identify your V.I.P.S. (Values, Interests, Personality Traits and Skills). I will also be giving you reading material that I have authored on: 1) Resumes, Cover Letters and References, 2) Self-Assessment, and 3) Staying Motivated. I also suggest you read a few pages of a career development book each night as part of your Self-Assessment research. You can Google my article “The 50 Career Books You Must Read” and you will find a recommended list to get you started. A few weeks later at the second 90 minute appointment, we will interpret the results of the assessments. After we thoroughly inventory your V.I.P.S., we will be more prepared to match this information with possible options. Next, you will complete a Career Decision-Making homework assignment. As part of the assignment, you will narrow down your list of options to a Top 10 List and then further prioritize them into three types of jobs: 1) Ideal/Dream Job, 2) Back Up/Realistic Job, and 3) Safety/Survival Job. In order to make a smart decision you will then want to further explore by: 1) Reading and Researching, 2) Networking and Informational Interviewing, 3) Gaining Experience, and 4) Evaluating. I will give your resume a first critique at the end of the appointment and ask you to make the necessary revisions and then bring it back next time for my final critique. In the third 90 minute appointment, the Action Plan, we will be discussing the next steps. The Action Plan tends to fall into one of three categories: 1) Doing a Job Search, 2) Starting a Business, or 3) Going to School. We will review the Career Development Questionnaire, talk about the Career Decision-Making exercises, and then develop a strategy for achieving your goals. Once you begin to execute your plan, you will have an additional 30 minute phone consultation after the appointment. This is to ensure that we stay connected, and that I help you overcome obstacles that arise. From the time of the initial meeting, this process typically takes five to seven weeks. During that time you can have an unlimited number of phone consultations Monday through Friday. I will also email you a series of career videos that will be beneficial. I am not a placement agency, headhunter agency or executive recruiting firm, but I will work with you to help you achieve your unique objectives. I am your coach, and I want you to win. Career consulting involves an active collaboration between the client and the professional. It is essential that you ask questions about the process whenever they arise. Career advising can have benefits and risks. It often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life and you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness and helplessness. However, working with a Master Career Development Professional (MCDP) often leads to a better sense of career direction and motivation to achieve career and personal goals. While much can be accomplished in short-term career consulting, some clients feel that they need additional appointments after the initial three meetings. I am more than happy to meet with you for further consultation, but I do ask that you commit to at the least the first three meetings. Due to my work schedule, I am not always immediately available by the telephone or Internet. I will make every effort to return your call on the same day or within one business. I always return my phone calls faster than my emails. I look forward to helping you find direction and developing an action plan that works for you.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
11 Computer Drive West, Suite 112 Albany, New York 12205, US
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