Delta Family Resource Centre (Delta Family) is a non-profit and community-based agency which, since 1981, has consistently delivered a range of targeted services to isolated and marginalized communities in Northwest Toronto. With seven satellite locations and a staff of 53 qualified professionals, Delta Family has recognized for its commitment to building communities where all people thrive, for equipping residents with the tools they need to do so, for modeling effective collaboration, and for developing programs, which respond to community needs. Delta Family provides support to parents, children, youth, seniors, and Black communities, and has introduced a number of innovative programs and activities that meet the ever-evolving needs of the diverse communities it engages and serves
Delta Family Mission Statement
Acknowledging the consequences of intersecting forms of oppression on the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities, Delta Family Resource Centre offers programs, services and supports for Black and other priority populations in Northwest Toronto which amplify their resilience and strengths.
A healthy, engaged and empowered community where all people thrive.