LTCI is an internationally recognized expert in assessing and valuing the nature, degree and spatial/temporal extent of injuries to natural and cultural resources injured by oil or hazardous substances. LTCI develops effective, scaled restoration plans to restore injuries to these resources.
LTCI is an environmental services firm that offers a wide array of scientific, economic and policy support services designed to assist clients in assessing, quantifying and restoring impacts to businesses, governments and natural resources resulting from proposed developments as well as releases of oil and hazardous substances.
LTCI develops successful claims for all manners of damages resulting from oil and hazardous materials releases: real and personal property damages, business interruptions/loss of profits, loss of government revenue, spill response and recovery costs, loss of subsistence use of natural resources and natural resource damages. LTCI currently provides environmental support services to the following types of clients: Individual Claimants, Small businesses, Medium and Large National Corporations, Indian Tribes, Town and City Governments, State Governments, U.S. Territories and Possessions, the U.S. Federal Government.
LTCI staff provides expert support in natural resource damage assessments (NRDA), NRDA Claim Support, ecological risk assessment, environmental impact studies, field investigations, technical spill response support, habitat restoration, environmental regulatory and policy support and technical training.