Timothy Porter
Owner at Birdman
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51-200 Employees
People's values, media, everything continues to change rapidly. Social issues are becoming increasingly important and cannot be ignored in business. What is it that moves people in an age when the conventional, orthodox methods are no longer applicable? We believe that it is strategies backed by sharp insights and crazy creativity that exceeds expectations. We are a Strategy & Crazy Company that solves social and business challenges with a strategic playfulness. To create out-of-the-box solutions by crossing business, creativity, and technology. This is our strength at Birdman. We will continue to support your business growth by promoting DX, which is an important issue, building marketing strategies, and providing "visible" advertising and promotions that make full use of digital technology. We have awarded more than 450 national and international awards, including the Cannes Lions, Clio Awards, and One Show. 人々の価値観も、メディアも、すべてが急速に変化し続けています。社会課題の重要性はますます高まり、ビジネスにおいて無視できなくなっています。従来の正攻法が通用しない時代に、人を動かすものとは。それは、鋭いインサイトに裏付けられた戦略と、予想を超えるクレイジーな創造力であると信じます。私たちは、戦略的遊び心で社会と事業の課題を解決する、Strategy&Crazyカンパニーです。ビジネスと、クリエイティブと、テクノロジーを掛け合わせて、既成概念にとらわれない解決策を生み出すこと。それが、私たちBirdmanの強みです。重要課題であるDXの推進から、マーケティング戦略の構築、デジタルを駆使した、"効果の見える"広告・プロモーションで、貴社の事業成長に、寄り添い続けます。 Cannes Lions、Clio Awards, One Showなど国内外にて450以上のアワードを受賞しました。
Year Founded
Social Media
Design Services
HQ Location
1-5-3, Shoto Okushibu bld. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to 150-0046, JP
web designinteractive designApp designweb aplicationgraphic designconsultingand marketing
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