Progress Champions offers training to progressives on all of the essential skills of movement-building, organizing, and delivering change. We are building a central hub of workshops, resources, and toolkits suitable for organizers at every level, from brand new to the most advanced. And we are unlocking the potential of modern tech to be a force multiplier for low-resource campaigns and grassroots organizers, both through education and through directly building and sharing tech tools that the movement can put to use.
At the same time, we are taking on the professional consultant class and the broken model of hiring high-paid freelancers to advise on campaigns. The incentives of that model are all wrong - consultants face no accountability for losing efforts, and are rewarded for keeping tech knowledge arcane and difficult to access. We're inverting the model entirely, offering all knowledge and resources free of charge and instead relying on grassroots donors to keep the lights on. It's people-powered - the way it should be.