Neuralynx, Inc. (An FHC Company) is an internationally recognized provider of electrophysiology data recording systems and solutions for neuroscience research, as well as for practical human medical data recording. Neuralynx Inc. specializes in the development of cutting edge electrophysiology data recording systems and experiment accessories while providing quality, long term customer guidance and support.
Neuralynx was formed in 1993 when Casey Stengel was awarded an SBIR grant for data acquisition system development. Having already invented a method for detecting, extracting and classifying Single Electrode and Stereo-Trode Spike Waveforms in software, as well as a low noise programmable amplifier. Neuralynx also completed a Digital Acquisition System (Digital Lynx) for human recording in 2003 (UL60601 compliance in 2007) as well as the first Wireless Digital Acquisition System (Digital Falcon) in 2008.