Companies in the construction industry know the problems with residents and the authorities that stem from the contamination of public roads and dust emissions that are commonly caused by construction sites, recycling facilities and mines. Less dangerous but just as aggravating is the damage and expensive maintenance costs caused by the sullied vehicles. The Swiss enterprise FRUTIGER Company AG offers wide range of solutions to all these problems with it’s MobyDick products.
Wheel Washing Systems solve the problem of dirty roads and Highways
The leading MobyDick technology with the know-how from over 4000 installed wheel washing systems, offers the best conditions to clean wheels and chassis of construction equipment when leaving contaminated areas.
Demucking systems clean highly soiled construction vehicles in minutes
Unlike Wheel Washing Systems, Demucking Systems are not used to keep the public roads clean, but to wash the chassis, undercarriage, wheels and tracks of construction vehicles in just a few minutes of any heavy soiling. The machine can be configured according to costumer specifications to be capable of cleaning track vehicles up to the size of a Caterpillar D11 as well as Dumpers and wheel loaders.
Dust Control Systems reliably manage dust emissions in the air
With the increasing regulations concerning air purity in many industrialized countries and new insight and knowledge about the damaging effects of dust on the human organism and the environment, demand for highly performing dust management solutions has risen. For that reason FRUTIGER is now offering a wide range of products in their MobyDick Dust Control Line.
Machinery Manufacturing, Construction and mining machinery and equipment (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Ersatzteile für Baumaschinen, Befeuchtungsanlagen für die Staubbindung, Reifenreinigungsgeräte, Reifenwaschanlagen, Weichen, Vermietung von Baugeräten